Class BadResponseException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BadResponseException extends NetworkException
Exception thrown when a bad response is received from the server. This typically indicates a server-side error (5xx HTTP status codes).
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • BadResponseException

      public BadResponseException(int code, @Nullable String body, @Nullable Problem problem, @Nullable SubmitTransactionAsyncResponse submitTransactionAsyncProblem)
      Constructs a new BadRequestException.
      code - The HTTP status code of the response
      body - The raw body of the response
      problem - The parsed problem details, may be null if parsing failed
  • Method Details

    • getProblem

      @Nullable public Problem getProblem()
      The parsed problem details, if available.
    • getSubmitTransactionAsyncProblem

      @Nullable public SubmitTransactionAsyncResponse getSubmitTransactionAsyncProblem()
      The parsed async transaction submission problem details.

      This field is only present when the exception is thrown as a result of calling the "Submit Transaction Asynchronously" API endpoint and the server returned an error response. In other cases, it will be null.