Class Transaction

public class Transaction extends AbstractTransaction
Represents Transaction in Stellar network.
  • Method Details

    • signatureBase

      public byte[] signatureBase()
      Description copied from class: AbstractTransaction
      Returns signature base.
      Specified by:
      signatureBase in class AbstractTransaction
      the signature base
    • getTimeBounds

      public TimeBounds getTimeBounds()
      Gets the time bounds defined for the transaction.
    • getClaimableBalanceId

      public String getClaimableBalanceId(int index)
      Returns the claimable balance ID for the CreateClaimableBalanceOperation at the given index within the transaction.
      index - The index of the CreateClaimableBalanceOperation within the transaction, starting at 0
      The claimable balance ID for the CreateClaimableBalanceOperation at the given index
    • fromV0EnvelopeXdr

      public static Transaction fromV0EnvelopeXdr(TransactionV0Envelope envelope, Network network)
    • fromV1EnvelopeXdr

      public static Transaction fromV1EnvelopeXdr(TransactionV1Envelope envelope, Network network)
    • toEnvelopeXdr

      public TransactionEnvelope toEnvelopeXdr()
      Generates TransactionEnvelope XDR object.
      Specified by:
      toEnvelopeXdr in class AbstractTransaction
    • isSorobanTransaction

      public boolean isSorobanTransaction()
      Returns true if this transaction is a Soroban transaction.
      true if this transaction is a Soroban transaction.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object object)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • getFee

      public long getFee()
      Max fee paid for transaction in stroops (1 stroop = 0.0000001 XLM).
    • getSourceAccount

      @NonNull public @NonNull String getSourceAccount()
      The source account for this transaction.
    • getSequenceNumber

      public long getSequenceNumber()
      The sequence number of the account creating this transaction.
    • getOperations

      @NonNull public @NonNull Operation[] getOperations()
      Operations included in the transaction.
    • getMemo

      @NonNull public @NonNull Memo getMemo()
      Memo attached to the transaction.
    • getPreconditions

      public TransactionPreconditions getPreconditions()
      The preconditions for the transaction.
    • getSorobanData

      public SorobanTransactionData getSorobanData()
      The Soroban data for the transaction.