Package org.stellar.sdk
package org.stellar.sdk
ClassDescriptionAbstract class for transaction classes.Represents an account in Stellar network with its sequence number.AccountFlag is the
that can be used inSetOptionsOperation
.Represents a single address in the Stellar network.Represents the type of the address.Base Asset class.Base class forAssetTypeCreditAlphaNum4
subclasses.Represents all assets with codes 5-12 characters long.Represents all assets with codes 1-4 characters long.Represents Stellar native asset - Lumens (XLM)This class contains helper methods to signSorobanAuthorizationEntry
.A signature, consisting of a public key and a signature.An interface for signing aHashIDPreimage
to produce a signature.Base32 interface used by the SDK to encode and decode strings and bytes.Base64 interface used by the SDK to encode and decode strings and bytes.Factory class used to createBase64
instances.Represents an asset in a change trust operation on the Stellar network.Represents an entity who is eligible to claim the claimable balance.Represents Fee Bump Transaction in Stellar network.Holds a Stellar keypair.LedgerBounds are Preconditions of a transaction per CAP-21Represents a LiquidityPoolParameters object on the Stellar network.The memo contains optional extra information.Represents MEMO_HASH.Represents MEMO_ID.Represents MEMO_NONE.Represents MEMO_RETURN.Represents MEMO_TEXT.Represents a multiplexed account on Stellar's network.Network class is used to specify which Stellar network you want to use.Base class for predicates.Represents a predicate based on a maximum absolute timestamp.Represents a logical AND of two predicates.Represents a logical NOT of a predicate.Represents a logical OR of two predicates.Represents a predicate based on a relative time offset from the close time of the ledger in which theCreateClaimableBalanceOperation
is included.Represents a predicate that is always true.Represents Price.Stellar Web Authentication Utilities.Used to store the results produced bySep10Challenge.readChallengeTransaction(String, String, Network, String[], String)
.Represents a transaction signer.Main class used to connect to Horizon server.Data model for the signed payload signerSigner is a helper class that createsSignerKey
objects.Supports buildingSorobanTransactionData
structures with various items set to specific values.Represents the resource metrics of the Soroban data.Main class used to connect to the Soroban-RPC instance and exposes an interface for requests to that instance.Represents the "durability keyspace" that this ledger key belongs to, checkSorobanServer.getContractData(java.lang.String, org.stellar.sdk.xdr.SCVal, org.stellar.sdk.SorobanServer.Durability)
for more details.StrKey is a helper class that allows encoding and decoding Stellar keys to/from strings, i.e.TimeBounds represents the time interval that a transaction is valid.ID represents the total order of Ledgers, Transactions and Operations.Represents Transaction in Stellar network.Builds a new Transaction object.Specifies interface for Account object used inTransactionBuilder
Preconditions of a transaction per CAP-21Represents a trustline asset in the Stellar network.Utility class for common operations.The function that converts XDR string to XDR object.