Package org.stellar.sdk.xdr
package org.stellar.sdk.xdr
Contains classes for working with XDR data.
ClassDescriptionAccountEntry's original definition in the XDR file is:AccountEntryExt's original definition in the XDR file is:AccountEntryExtensionV1's original definition in the XDR file is:AccountEntryExtensionV1Ext's original definition in the XDR file is:AccountEntryExtensionV2's original definition in the XDR file is:AccountEntryExtensionV2Ext's original definition in the XDR file is:AccountEntryExtensionV3's original definition in the XDR file is:AccountFlags's original definition in the XDR file is:AccountID's original definition in the XDR file is:AccountMergeResult's original definition in the XDR file is:AccountMergeResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:AllowTrustOp's original definition in the XDR file is:AllowTrustResult's original definition in the XDR file is:AllowTrustResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:AlphaNum12's original definition in the XDR file is:AlphaNum4's original definition in the XDR file is:ArchivalProof's original definition in the XDR file is:ArchivalProofBody's original definition in the XDR file is:ArchivalProofNode's original definition in the XDR file is:ArchivalProofType's original definition in the XDR file is:Asset's original definition in the XDR file is:AssetCode's original definition in the XDR file is:AssetCode12's original definition in the XDR file is:AssetCode4's original definition in the XDR file is:AssetType's original definition in the XDR file is:Auth's original definition in the XDR file is:AuthCert's original definition in the XDR file is:AuthenticatedMessage's original definition in the XDR file is:AuthenticatedMessageV0's original definition in the XDR file is:BeginSponsoringFutureReservesOp's original definition in the XDR file is:BeginSponsoringFutureReservesResult's original definition in the XDR file is:BeginSponsoringFutureReservesResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:BinaryFuseFilterType's original definition in the XDR file is:BucketEntry's original definition in the XDR file is:BucketEntryType's original definition in the XDR file is:BucketListType's original definition in the XDR file is:BucketMetadata's original definition in the XDR file is:BucketMetadataExt's original definition in the XDR file is:BumpSequenceOp's original definition in the XDR file is:BumpSequenceResult's original definition in the XDR file is:BumpSequenceResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:ChangeTrustAsset's original definition in the XDR file is:ChangeTrustOp's original definition in the XDR file is:ChangeTrustResult's original definition in the XDR file is:ChangeTrustResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:ClaimableBalanceEntry's original definition in the XDR file is:ClaimableBalanceEntryExt's original definition in the XDR file is:ClaimableBalanceEntryExtensionV1's original definition in the XDR file is:ClaimableBalanceEntryExtensionV1Ext's original definition in the XDR file is:ClaimableBalanceFlags's original definition in the XDR file is:ClaimableBalanceID's original definition in the XDR file is:ClaimableBalanceIDType's original definition in the XDR file is:Claimant's original definition in the XDR file is:ClaimantV0's original definition in the XDR file is:ClaimantType's original definition in the XDR file is:ClaimAtom's original definition in the XDR file is:ClaimAtomType's original definition in the XDR file is:ClaimClaimableBalanceOp's original definition in the XDR file is:ClaimClaimableBalanceResult's original definition in the XDR file is:ClaimClaimableBalanceResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:ClaimLiquidityAtom's original definition in the XDR file is:ClaimOfferAtom's original definition in the XDR file is:ClaimOfferAtomV0's original definition in the XDR file is:ClaimPredicate's original definition in the XDR file is:ClaimPredicateType's original definition in the XDR file is:ClawbackClaimableBalanceOp's original definition in the XDR file is:ClawbackClaimableBalanceResult's original definition in the XDR file is:ClawbackClaimableBalanceResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:ClawbackOp's original definition in the XDR file is:ClawbackResult's original definition in the XDR file is:ClawbackResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:ColdArchiveArchivedLeaf's original definition in the XDR file is:ColdArchiveBoundaryLeaf's original definition in the XDR file is:ColdArchiveBucketEntry's original definition in the XDR file is:ColdArchiveBucketEntryType's original definition in the XDR file is:ColdArchiveDeletedLeaf's original definition in the XDR file is:ColdArchiveHashEntry's original definition in the XDR file is:ConfigSettingContractBandwidthV0's original definition in the XDR file is:ConfigSettingContractComputeV0's original definition in the XDR file is:ConfigSettingContractEventsV0's original definition in the XDR file is:ConfigSettingContractExecutionLanesV0's original definition in the XDR file is:ConfigSettingContractHistoricalDataV0's original definition in the XDR file is:ConfigSettingContractLedgerCostV0's original definition in the XDR file is:ConfigSettingEntry's original definition in the XDR file is:ConfigSettingID's original definition in the XDR file is:ConfigUpgradeSet's original definition in the XDR file is:ConfigUpgradeSetKey's original definition in the XDR file is:ContractCodeCostInputs's original definition in the XDR file is:ContractCodeEntry's original definition in the XDR file is:ContractCodeEntryExt's original definition in the XDR file is:ContractCodeEntryV1's original definition in the XDR file is:ContractCostParamEntry's original definition in the XDR file is:ContractCostParams's original definition in the XDR file is:ContractCostType's original definition in the XDR file is:ContractDataDurability's original definition in the XDR file is:ContractDataEntry's original definition in the XDR file is:ContractEvent's original definition in the XDR file is:ContractEventBody's original definition in the XDR file is:ContractEventV0's original definition in the XDR file is:ContractEventType's original definition in the XDR file is:ContractExecutable's original definition in the XDR file is:ContractExecutableType's original definition in the XDR file is:ContractIDPreimage's original definition in the XDR file is:ContractIDPreimageFromAddress's original definition in the XDR file is:ContractIDPreimageType's original definition in the XDR file is:CreateAccountOp's original definition in the XDR file is:CreateAccountResult's original definition in the XDR file is:CreateAccountResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:CreateClaimableBalanceOp's original definition in the XDR file is:CreateClaimableBalanceResult's original definition in the XDR file is:CreateClaimableBalanceResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:CreateContractArgs's original definition in the XDR file is:CreateContractArgsV2's original definition in the XDR file is:CreatePassiveSellOfferOp's original definition in the XDR file is:CryptoKeyType's original definition in the XDR file is:Curve25519Public's original definition in the XDR file is:Curve25519Secret's original definition in the XDR file is:DataEntry's original definition in the XDR file is:DataEntryExt's original definition in the XDR file is:DataValue's original definition in the XDR file is:DecoratedSignature's original definition in the XDR file is:DiagnosticEvent's original definition in the XDR file is:DiagnosticEvents's original definition in the XDR file is:DontHave's original definition in the XDR file is:Duration's original definition in the XDR file is:EncryptedBody's original definition in the XDR file is:EndSponsoringFutureReservesResult's original definition in the XDR file is:EndSponsoringFutureReservesResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:EnvelopeType's original definition in the XDR file is:Error's original definition in the XDR file is:ErrorCode's original definition in the XDR file is:EvictionIterator's original definition in the XDR file is:ExistenceProofBody's original definition in the XDR file is:ExtendFootprintTTLOp's original definition in the XDR file is:ExtendFootprintTTLResult's original definition in the XDR file is:ExtendFootprintTTLResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:ExtensionPoint's original definition in the XDR file is:FeeBumpTransaction's original definition in the XDR file is:FeeBumpTransactionExt's original definition in the XDR file is:FeeBumpTransactionInnerTx's original definition in the XDR file is:FeeBumpTransactionEnvelope's original definition in the XDR file is:FloodAdvert's original definition in the XDR file is:FloodDemand's original definition in the XDR file is:GeneralizedTransactionSet's original definition in the XDR file is:Hash's original definition in the XDR file is:HashIDPreimage's original definition in the XDR file is:HashIDPreimageContractID's original definition in the XDR file is:HashIDPreimageOperationID's original definition in the XDR file is:HashIDPreimageRevokeID's original definition in the XDR file is:HashIDPreimageSorobanAuthorization's original definition in the XDR file is:Hello's original definition in the XDR file is:HmacSha256Key's original definition in the XDR file is:HmacSha256Mac's original definition in the XDR file is:HostFunction's original definition in the XDR file is:HostFunctionType's original definition in the XDR file is:HotArchiveBucketEntry's original definition in the XDR file is:HotArchiveBucketEntryType's original definition in the XDR file is:InflationPayout's original definition in the XDR file is:InflationResult's original definition in the XDR file is:InflationResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:InnerTransactionResult's original definition in the XDR file is:InnerTransactionResultExt's original definition in the XDR file is:InnerTransactionResultResult's original definition in the XDR file is:InnerTransactionResultPair's original definition in the XDR file is:Int128Parts's original definition in the XDR file is:Int256Parts's original definition in the XDR file is:Int32's original definition in the XDR file is:Int64's original definition in the XDR file is:InvokeContractArgs's original definition in the XDR file is:InvokeHostFunctionOp's original definition in the XDR file is:InvokeHostFunctionResult's original definition in the XDR file is:InvokeHostFunctionResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:InvokeHostFunctionSuccessPreImage's original definition in the XDR file is:IPAddrType's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerBounds's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerCloseMeta's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerCloseMetaExt's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerCloseMetaExtV1's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerCloseMetaV0's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerCloseMetaV1's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerCloseValueSignature's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerEntry's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerEntryData's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerEntryExt's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerEntryChange's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerEntryChanges's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerEntryChangeType's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerEntryExtensionV1's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerEntryExtensionV1Ext's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerEntryType's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerFootprint's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerHeader's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerHeaderExt's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerHeaderExtensionV1's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerHeaderExtensionV1Ext's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerHeaderFlags's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerHeaderHistoryEntry's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerHeaderHistoryEntryExt's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerKey's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerKeyAccount's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerKeyClaimableBalance's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerKeyConfigSetting's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerKeyContractCode's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerKeyContractData's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerKeyData's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerKeyLiquidityPool's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerKeyOffer's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerKeyTrustLine's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerKeyTtl's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerSCPMessages's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerUpgrade's original definition in the XDR file is:LedgerUpgradeType's original definition in the XDR file is:Liabilities's original definition in the XDR file is:LiquidityPoolConstantProductParameters's original definition in the XDR file is:LiquidityPoolDepositOp's original definition in the XDR file is:LiquidityPoolDepositResult's original definition in the XDR file is:LiquidityPoolDepositResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:LiquidityPoolEntry's original definition in the XDR file is:LiquidityPoolEntryBody's original definition in the XDR file is:LiquidityPoolEntryConstantProduct's original definition in the XDR file is:LiquidityPoolParameters's original definition in the XDR file is:LiquidityPoolType's original definition in the XDR file is:LiquidityPoolWithdrawOp's original definition in the XDR file is:LiquidityPoolWithdrawResult's original definition in the XDR file is:LiquidityPoolWithdrawResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:ManageBuyOfferOp's original definition in the XDR file is:ManageBuyOfferResult's original definition in the XDR file is:ManageBuyOfferResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:ManageDataOp's original definition in the XDR file is:ManageDataResult's original definition in the XDR file is:ManageDataResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:ManageOfferEffect's original definition in the XDR file is:ManageOfferSuccessResult's original definition in the XDR file is:ManageOfferSuccessResultOffer's original definition in the XDR file is:ManageSellOfferOp's original definition in the XDR file is:ManageSellOfferResult's original definition in the XDR file is:ManageSellOfferResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:Memo's original definition in the XDR file is:MemoType's original definition in the XDR file is:MessageType's original definition in the XDR file is:MuxedAccount's original definition in the XDR file is:MuxedAccountMed25519's original definition in the XDR file is:NodeID's original definition in the XDR file is:NonexistenceProofBody's original definition in the XDR file is:OfferEntry's original definition in the XDR file is:OfferEntryExt's original definition in the XDR file is:OfferEntryFlags's original definition in the XDR file is:Operation's original definition in the XDR file is:OperationBody's original definition in the XDR file is:OperationMeta's original definition in the XDR file is:OperationResult's original definition in the XDR file is:OperationResultTr's original definition in the XDR file is:OperationResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:OperationType's original definition in the XDR file is:PathPaymentStrictReceiveOp's original definition in the XDR file is:PathPaymentStrictReceiveResult's original definition in the XDR file is:PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultSuccess's original definition in the XDR file is:PathPaymentStrictReceiveResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:PathPaymentStrictSendOp's original definition in the XDR file is:PathPaymentStrictSendResult's original definition in the XDR file is:PathPaymentStrictSendResultSuccess's original definition in the XDR file is:PathPaymentStrictSendResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:PaymentOp's original definition in the XDR file is:PaymentResult's original definition in the XDR file is:PaymentResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:PeerAddress's original definition in the XDR file is:PeerAddressIp's original definition in the XDR file is:PeerStatList's original definition in the XDR file is:PeerStats's original definition in the XDR file is:PersistedSCPState's original definition in the XDR file is:PersistedSCPStateV0's original definition in the XDR file is:PersistedSCPStateV1's original definition in the XDR file is:PoolID's original definition in the XDR file is:Preconditions's original definition in the XDR file is:PreconditionsV2's original definition in the XDR file is:PreconditionType's original definition in the XDR file is:Price's original definition in the XDR file is:ProofLevel's original definition in the XDR file is:PublicKey's original definition in the XDR file is:PublicKeyType's original definition in the XDR file is:RestoreFootprintOp's original definition in the XDR file is:RestoreFootprintResult's original definition in the XDR file is:RestoreFootprintResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:RevokeSponsorshipOp's original definition in the XDR file is:RevokeSponsorshipOpSigner's original definition in the XDR file is:RevokeSponsorshipResult's original definition in the XDR file is:RevokeSponsorshipResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:RevokeSponsorshipType's original definition in the XDR file is:SCAddress's original definition in the XDR file is:SCAddressType's original definition in the XDR file is:SCBytes's original definition in the XDR file is:SCContractInstance's original definition in the XDR file is:SCEnvMetaEntry's original definition in the XDR file is:SCEnvMetaEntryInterfaceVersion's original definition in the XDR file is:SCEnvMetaKind's original definition in the XDR file is:SCError's original definition in the XDR file is:SCErrorCode's original definition in the XDR file is:SCErrorType's original definition in the XDR file is:SCMap's original definition in the XDR file is:SCMapEntry's original definition in the XDR file is:SCMetaEntry's original definition in the XDR file is:SCMetaKind's original definition in the XDR file is:SCMetaV0's original definition in the XDR file is:SCNonceKey's original definition in the XDR file is:SCPBallot's original definition in the XDR file is:SCPEnvelope's original definition in the XDR file is:SCPHistoryEntry's original definition in the XDR file is:SCPHistoryEntryV0's original definition in the XDR file is:SCPNomination's original definition in the XDR file is:SCPQuorumSet's original definition in the XDR file is:SCPStatement's original definition in the XDR file is:SCPStatementPledges's original definition in the XDR file is:SCPStatementConfirm's original definition in the XDR file is:SCPStatementExternalize's original definition in the XDR file is:SCPStatementPrepare's original definition in the XDR file is:SCPStatementType's original definition in the XDR file is:SCSpecEntry's original definition in the XDR file is:SCSpecEntryKind's original definition in the XDR file is:SCSpecFunctionInputV0's original definition in the XDR file is:SCSpecFunctionV0's original definition in the XDR file is:SCSpecType's original definition in the XDR file is:SCSpecTypeBytesN's original definition in the XDR file is:SCSpecTypeDef's original definition in the XDR file is:SCSpecTypeMap's original definition in the XDR file is:SCSpecTypeOption's original definition in the XDR file is:SCSpecTypeResult's original definition in the XDR file is:SCSpecTypeTuple's original definition in the XDR file is:SCSpecTypeUDT's original definition in the XDR file is:SCSpecTypeVec's original definition in the XDR file is:SCSpecUDTEnumCaseV0's original definition in the XDR file is:SCSpecUDTEnumV0's original definition in the XDR file is:SCSpecUDTErrorEnumCaseV0's original definition in the XDR file is:SCSpecUDTErrorEnumV0's original definition in the XDR file is:SCSpecUDTStructFieldV0's original definition in the XDR file is:SCSpecUDTStructV0's original definition in the XDR file is:SCSpecUDTUnionCaseTupleV0's original definition in the XDR file is:SCSpecUDTUnionCaseV0's original definition in the XDR file is:SCSpecUDTUnionCaseV0Kind's original definition in the XDR file is:SCSpecUDTUnionCaseVoidV0's original definition in the XDR file is:SCSpecUDTUnionV0's original definition in the XDR file is:SCString's original definition in the XDR file is:SCSymbol's original definition in the XDR file is:SCVal's original definition in the XDR file is:SCValType's original definition in the XDR file is:SCVec's original definition in the XDR file is:SendMore's original definition in the XDR file is:SendMoreExtended's original definition in the XDR file is:SequenceNumber's original definition in the XDR file is:SerializedBinaryFuseFilter's original definition in the XDR file is:SetOptionsOp's original definition in the XDR file is:SetOptionsResult's original definition in the XDR file is:SetOptionsResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:SetTrustLineFlagsOp's original definition in the XDR file is:SetTrustLineFlagsResult's original definition in the XDR file is:SetTrustLineFlagsResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:ShortHashSeed's original definition in the XDR file is:Signature's original definition in the XDR file is:SignatureHint's original definition in the XDR file is:SignedSurveyRequestMessage's original definition in the XDR file is:SignedSurveyResponseMessage's original definition in the XDR file is:SignedTimeSlicedSurveyRequestMessage's original definition in the XDR file is:SignedTimeSlicedSurveyResponseMessage's original definition in the XDR file is:SignedTimeSlicedSurveyStartCollectingMessage's original definition in the XDR file is:SignedTimeSlicedSurveyStopCollectingMessage's original definition in the XDR file is:Signer's original definition in the XDR file is:SignerKey's original definition in the XDR file is:SignerKeyEd25519SignedPayload's original definition in the XDR file is:SignerKeyType's original definition in the XDR file is:SimplePaymentResult's original definition in the XDR file is:SorobanAddressCredentials's original definition in the XDR file is:SorobanAuthorizationEntry's original definition in the XDR file is:SorobanAuthorizedFunction's original definition in the XDR file is:SorobanAuthorizedFunctionType's original definition in the XDR file is:SorobanAuthorizedInvocation's original definition in the XDR file is:SorobanCredentials's original definition in the XDR file is:SorobanCredentialsType's original definition in the XDR file is:SorobanResources's original definition in the XDR file is:SorobanTransactionData's original definition in the XDR file is:SorobanTransactionMeta's original definition in the XDR file is:SorobanTransactionMetaExt's original definition in the XDR file is:SorobanTransactionMetaExtV1's original definition in the XDR file is:SponsorshipDescriptor's original definition in the XDR file is:StateArchivalSettings's original definition in the XDR file is:StellarMessage's original definition in the XDR file is:StellarValue's original definition in the XDR file is:StellarValueExt's original definition in the XDR file is:StellarValueType's original definition in the XDR file is:StoredDebugTransactionSet's original definition in the XDR file is:StoredTransactionSet's original definition in the XDR file is:String32's original definition in the XDR file is:String64's original definition in the XDR file is:SurveyMessageCommandType's original definition in the XDR file is:SurveyMessageResponseType's original definition in the XDR file is:SurveyRequestMessage's original definition in the XDR file is:SurveyResponseBody's original definition in the XDR file is:SurveyResponseMessage's original definition in the XDR file is:ThresholdIndexes's original definition in the XDR file is:Thresholds's original definition in the XDR file is:TimeBounds's original definition in the XDR file is:TimePoint's original definition in the XDR file is:TimeSlicedNodeData's original definition in the XDR file is:TimeSlicedPeerData's original definition in the XDR file is:TimeSlicedPeerDataList's original definition in the XDR file is:TimeSlicedSurveyRequestMessage's original definition in the XDR file is:TimeSlicedSurveyResponseMessage's original definition in the XDR file is:TimeSlicedSurveyStartCollectingMessage's original definition in the XDR file is:TimeSlicedSurveyStopCollectingMessage's original definition in the XDR file is:TopologyResponseBodyV0's original definition in the XDR file is:TopologyResponseBodyV1's original definition in the XDR file is:TopologyResponseBodyV2's original definition in the XDR file is:Transaction's original definition in the XDR file is:TransactionExt's original definition in the XDR file is:TransactionEnvelope's original definition in the XDR file is:TransactionHistoryEntry's original definition in the XDR file is:TransactionHistoryEntryExt's original definition in the XDR file is:TransactionHistoryResultEntry's original definition in the XDR file is:TransactionHistoryResultEntryExt's original definition in the XDR file is:TransactionMeta's original definition in the XDR file is:TransactionMetaV1's original definition in the XDR file is:TransactionMetaV2's original definition in the XDR file is:TransactionMetaV3's original definition in the XDR file is:TransactionPhase's original definition in the XDR file is:TransactionResult's original definition in the XDR file is:TransactionResultExt's original definition in the XDR file is:TransactionResultResult's original definition in the XDR file is:TransactionResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:TransactionResultMeta's original definition in the XDR file is:TransactionResultPair's original definition in the XDR file is:TransactionResultSet's original definition in the XDR file is:TransactionSet's original definition in the XDR file is:TransactionSetV1's original definition in the XDR file is:TransactionSignaturePayload's original definition in the XDR file is:TransactionSignaturePayloadTaggedTransaction's original definition in the XDR file is:TransactionV0's original definition in the XDR file is:TransactionV0Ext's original definition in the XDR file is:TransactionV0Envelope's original definition in the XDR file is:TransactionV1Envelope's original definition in the XDR file is:TrustLineAsset's original definition in the XDR file is:TrustLineEntry's original definition in the XDR file is:TrustLineEntryExt's original definition in the XDR file is:TrustLineEntryV1's original definition in the XDR file is:TrustLineEntryV1Ext's original definition in the XDR file is:TrustLineEntryExtensionV2's original definition in the XDR file is:TrustLineEntryExtensionV2Ext's original definition in the XDR file is:TrustLineFlags's original definition in the XDR file is:TTLEntry's original definition in the XDR file is:TxAdvertVector's original definition in the XDR file is:TxDemandVector's original definition in the XDR file is:TxSetComponent's original definition in the XDR file is:TxSetComponentTxsMaybeDiscountedFee's original definition in the XDR file is:TxSetComponentType's original definition in the XDR file is:UInt128Parts's original definition in the XDR file is:Uint256's original definition in the XDR file is:UInt256Parts's original definition in the XDR file is:Uint32's original definition in the XDR file is:Uint64's original definition in the XDR file is:UpgradeEntryMeta's original definition in the XDR file is:UpgradeType's original definition in the XDR file is:Value's original definition in the XDR file is:Represents XDR Unsigned Hyper Integer.Represents XDR Unsigned Integer.