Class AccountEntry


public class AccountEntry extends Object
AccountEntry's original definition in the XDR file is:
 struct AccountEntry
     AccountID accountID;      // master public key for this account
     int64 balance;            // in stroops
     SequenceNumber seqNum;    // last sequence number used for this account
     uint32 numSubEntries;     // number of sub-entries this account has
                               // drives the reserve
     AccountID* inflationDest; // Account to vote for during inflation
     uint32 flags;             // see AccountFlags

     string32 homeDomain; // can be used for reverse federation and memo lookup

     // fields used for signatures
     // thresholds stores unsigned bytes: [weight of master|low|medium|high]
     Thresholds thresholds;

     Signer signers<MAX_SIGNERS>; // possible signers for this account

     // reserved for future use
     union switch (int v)
     case 0:
     case 1:
         AccountEntryExtensionV1 v1;