Enum Class ContractCostType

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<ContractCostType>, Constable

public enum ContractCostType extends Enum<ContractCostType>
ContractCostType's original definition in the XDR file is:
 enum ContractCostType {
     // Cost of running 1 wasm instruction
     WasmInsnExec = 0,
     // Cost of allocating a slice of memory (in bytes)
     MemAlloc = 1,
     // Cost of copying a slice of bytes into a pre-allocated memory
     MemCpy = 2,
     // Cost of comparing two slices of memory
     MemCmp = 3,
     // Cost of a host function dispatch, not including the actual work done by
     // the function nor the cost of VM invocation machinary
     DispatchHostFunction = 4,
     // Cost of visiting a host object from the host object storage. Exists to
     // make sure some baseline cost coverage, i.e. repeatly visiting objects
     // by the guest will always incur some charges.
     VisitObject = 5,
     // Cost of serializing an xdr object to bytes
     ValSer = 6,
     // Cost of deserializing an xdr object from bytes
     ValDeser = 7,
     // Cost of computing the sha256 hash from bytes
     ComputeSha256Hash = 8,
     // Cost of computing the ed25519 pubkey from bytes
     ComputeEd25519PubKey = 9,
     // Cost of verifying ed25519 signature of a payload.
     VerifyEd25519Sig = 10,
     // Cost of instantiation a VM from wasm bytes code.
     VmInstantiation = 11,
     // Cost of instantiation a VM from a cached state.
     VmCachedInstantiation = 12,
     // Cost of invoking a function on the VM. If the function is a host function,
     // additional cost will be covered by `DispatchHostFunction`.
     InvokeVmFunction = 13,
     // Cost of computing a keccak256 hash from bytes.
     ComputeKeccak256Hash = 14,
     // Cost of decoding an ECDSA signature computed from a 256-bit prime modulus
     // curve (e.g. secp256k1 and secp256r1)
     DecodeEcdsaCurve256Sig = 15,
     // Cost of recovering an ECDSA secp256k1 key from a signature.
     RecoverEcdsaSecp256k1Key = 16,
     // Cost of int256 addition (`+`) and subtraction (`-`) operations
     Int256AddSub = 17,
     // Cost of int256 multiplication (`*`) operation
     Int256Mul = 18,
     // Cost of int256 division (`/`) operation
     Int256Div = 19,
     // Cost of int256 power (`exp`) operation
     Int256Pow = 20,
     // Cost of int256 shift (`shl`, `shr`) operation
     Int256Shift = 21,
     // Cost of drawing random bytes using a ChaCha20 PRNG
     ChaCha20DrawBytes = 22,

     // Cost of parsing wasm bytes that only encode instructions.
     ParseWasmInstructions = 23,
     // Cost of parsing a known number of wasm functions.
     ParseWasmFunctions = 24,
     // Cost of parsing a known number of wasm globals.
     ParseWasmGlobals = 25,
     // Cost of parsing a known number of wasm table entries.
     ParseWasmTableEntries = 26,
     // Cost of parsing a known number of wasm types.
     ParseWasmTypes = 27,
     // Cost of parsing a known number of wasm data segments.
     ParseWasmDataSegments = 28,
     // Cost of parsing a known number of wasm element segments.
     ParseWasmElemSegments = 29,
     // Cost of parsing a known number of wasm imports.
     ParseWasmImports = 30,
     // Cost of parsing a known number of wasm exports.
     ParseWasmExports = 31,
     // Cost of parsing a known number of data segment bytes.
     ParseWasmDataSegmentBytes = 32,

     // Cost of instantiating wasm bytes that only encode instructions.
     InstantiateWasmInstructions = 33,
     // Cost of instantiating a known number of wasm functions.
     InstantiateWasmFunctions = 34,
     // Cost of instantiating a known number of wasm globals.
     InstantiateWasmGlobals = 35,
     // Cost of instantiating a known number of wasm table entries.
     InstantiateWasmTableEntries = 36,
     // Cost of instantiating a known number of wasm types.
     InstantiateWasmTypes = 37,
     // Cost of instantiating a known number of wasm data segments.
     InstantiateWasmDataSegments = 38,
     // Cost of instantiating a known number of wasm element segments.
     InstantiateWasmElemSegments = 39,
     // Cost of instantiating a known number of wasm imports.
     InstantiateWasmImports = 40,
     // Cost of instantiating a known number of wasm exports.
     InstantiateWasmExports = 41,
     // Cost of instantiating a known number of data segment bytes.
     InstantiateWasmDataSegmentBytes = 42,

     // Cost of decoding a bytes array representing an uncompressed SEC-1 encoded
     // point on a 256-bit elliptic curve
     Sec1DecodePointUncompressed = 43,
     // Cost of verifying an ECDSA Secp256r1 signature
     VerifyEcdsaSecp256r1Sig = 44,

     // Cost of encoding a BLS12-381 Fp (base field element)
     Bls12381EncodeFp = 45,
     // Cost of decoding a BLS12-381 Fp (base field element)
     Bls12381DecodeFp = 46,
     // Cost of checking a G1 point lies on the curve
     Bls12381G1CheckPointOnCurve = 47,
     // Cost of checking a G1 point belongs to the correct subgroup
     Bls12381G1CheckPointInSubgroup = 48,
     // Cost of checking a G2 point lies on the curve
     Bls12381G2CheckPointOnCurve = 49,
     // Cost of checking a G2 point belongs to the correct subgroup
     Bls12381G2CheckPointInSubgroup = 50,
     // Cost of converting a BLS12-381 G1 point from projective to affine coordinates
     Bls12381G1ProjectiveToAffine = 51,
     // Cost of converting a BLS12-381 G2 point from projective to affine coordinates
     Bls12381G2ProjectiveToAffine = 52,
     // Cost of performing BLS12-381 G1 point addition
     Bls12381G1Add = 53,
     // Cost of performing BLS12-381 G1 scalar multiplication
     Bls12381G1Mul = 54,
     // Cost of performing BLS12-381 G1 multi-scalar multiplication (MSM)
     Bls12381G1Msm = 55,
     // Cost of mapping a BLS12-381 Fp field element to a G1 point
     Bls12381MapFpToG1 = 56,
     // Cost of hashing to a BLS12-381 G1 point
     Bls12381HashToG1 = 57,
     // Cost of performing BLS12-381 G2 point addition
     Bls12381G2Add = 58,
     // Cost of performing BLS12-381 G2 scalar multiplication
     Bls12381G2Mul = 59,
     // Cost of performing BLS12-381 G2 multi-scalar multiplication (MSM)
     Bls12381G2Msm = 60,
     // Cost of mapping a BLS12-381 Fp2 field element to a G2 point
     Bls12381MapFp2ToG2 = 61,
     // Cost of hashing to a BLS12-381 G2 point
     Bls12381HashToG2 = 62,
     // Cost of performing BLS12-381 pairing operation
     Bls12381Pairing = 63,
     // Cost of converting a BLS12-381 scalar element from U256
     Bls12381FrFromU256 = 64,
     // Cost of converting a BLS12-381 scalar element to U256
     Bls12381FrToU256 = 65,
     // Cost of performing BLS12-381 scalar element addition/subtraction
     Bls12381FrAddSub = 66,
     // Cost of performing BLS12-381 scalar element multiplication
     Bls12381FrMul = 67,
     // Cost of performing BLS12-381 scalar element exponentiation
     Bls12381FrPow = 68,
     // Cost of performing BLS12-381 scalar element inversion
     Bls12381FrInv = 69