Class LedgerHeader


public class LedgerHeader extends Object
LedgerHeader's original definition in the XDR file is:
 struct LedgerHeader
     uint32 ledgerVersion;    // the protocol version of the ledger
     Hash previousLedgerHash; // hash of the previous ledger header
     StellarValue scpValue;   // what consensus agreed to
     Hash txSetResultHash;    // the TransactionResultSet that led to this ledger
     Hash bucketListHash;     // hash of the ledger state

     uint32 ledgerSeq; // sequence number of this ledger

     int64 totalCoins; // total number of stroops in existence.
                       // 10,000,000 stroops in 1 XLM

     int64 feePool;       // fees burned since last inflation run
     uint32 inflationSeq; // inflation sequence number

     uint64 idPool; // last used global ID, used for generating objects

     uint32 baseFee;     // base fee per operation in stroops
     uint32 baseReserve; // account base reserve in stroops

     uint32 maxTxSetSize; // maximum size a transaction set can be

     Hash skipList[4]; // hashes of ledgers in the past. allows you to jump back
                       // in time without walking the chain back ledger by ledger
                       // each slot contains the oldest ledger that is mod of
                       // either 50  5000  50000 or 500000 depending on index
                       // skipList[0] mod(50), skipList[1] mod(5000), etc

     // reserved for future use
     union switch (int v)
     case 0:
     case 1:
         LedgerHeaderExtensionV1 v1;