Enum Class OperationResultCode

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<OperationResultCode>, Constable

public enum OperationResultCode extends Enum<OperationResultCode>
OperationResultCode's original definition in the XDR file is:
 enum OperationResultCode
     opINNER = 0, // inner object result is valid

     opBAD_AUTH = -1,            // too few valid signatures / wrong network
     opNO_ACCOUNT = -2,          // source account was not found
     opNOT_SUPPORTED = -3,       // operation not supported at this time
     opTOO_MANY_SUBENTRIES = -4, // max number of subentries already reached
     opEXCEEDED_WORK_LIMIT = -5, // operation did too much work
     opTOO_MANY_SPONSORING = -6  // account is sponsoring too many entries